Dinos in the Dark!

Recently a pair of biologists from the University of California studied the fossilized remains of 33 dinosaurs and pterosaurs. The animals are said to be active at all hours and that meat-eating dinos preferred to prowl for prey at night.  To be able to prove this fact the scientist had to check out the dinorsaurs eyes.  The bones around the eyes of the dinosaurs help provide clues on the dinos lives. Creatures that are active at night use their eyes in different ways than animals that are mostly active during the day. Depending on what they’re used for, eyes may have different shapes. An example of this is the modern cat A cat eye has a big pupil which is the black dot at the center that controls how much light gets into the eye. Big pupils let in more light than small ones so the larger size is helpful for animals hunting in nighttime’s lowlight conditions.Some people say the eyes are windows to the soul. For dinosaur researchers, the eyes might be windows to the past.