Person of the week

Every week we choose a person with a profession that deals with science or chemistry to be interviewed and talked about in this magazine!

Special Person: Rae Ricker

Rae is a CNA.  A CNA is the first step to becoming a Nurse.  CNA stands for Certified Nurse Anestitist.  She is currently employed in home  health care.  

1. Do you like your job? and would it recommend people to become what you are?
1. Yes I like my job and yes I would recommend it to everyone who would like to become apart of the medical field
2. In what ways do you think chemistry would relate to your job?
2. I beleive it is used in deciding medicines on patients or figuring out how a certain drug will react to other drugs. it
                                                                                           is hard to explain at times but chemistry is used in a variety of ways in nursing.
3. What is a positive of your job? negative?
3. A positive is being able to feel the satisfaction of helping another person in need.  A negative would be that sometimes the job can take a toll on your body or you could easily get injured.
4. What inspired you to become a CNA?
4. I wanted a stable career where I could make money to help suppport my children.
5. Any words of advice for future children out there?
5. Don't be afraid to go to college and make something out of yourself. Also always be yourself don't let other individuals change you into something you will regret.